Archive for March, 2016

TBR News March 11, 2016

Mar 10 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 11, 2016: “A Chinese philosopher once said to spare him from living in interesting times. We are now living in interesting times. Overpopulation is upon us, natural resources are being exhausted, the cilimate changes are wreaking havoc in some area and threaten to do so on a wider scale. And a warloving mankind is glaring at his neighbors with growing fury. The American economy, once one of the most powerful on the globe, is shrinking quiietly and since nature abhors a vacuum, others aspire to the Imperial mantle. China has towering economic and ecololgical problems that will suddenly crash down on her teeming masses and as unemployment grows in America, so also will social unrest. And this will be countered, and inflamed, by more and more surveillance of a potentially dangerous electorate. The First World War, that crippled European civilization, was not the work of evil men but of stupid ones. And history does repeat itself.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 10, 2016

Mar 10 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 10 2016: “I see that the press is finally admitting that there are devices now in use that shut down all electronic transmissions around them. The one I am aware of is unobtrusive, fits in a coat pocket without being noticed, is easy to turn on and is effective up to 1000 meters. It shuts off all transmissions of any kind. Works inside or outside, has rechargeable batteries and is devastating in use.  It works fine in a moving car. The piggies can easily slip a GPS bit underneath a bumper or fender and track any vehicle. But with this little device (the size of a cigar case) they cannot track you at all. Some people like to keep the jammer off until they get to an interchange and then flick on the turn-on button so that the piggies can see one at the interchange and then have total silence. These are made in Finland and selected merchants sell the hell out of them. Such frustrated anger in the sow-pen! There is another device, recently on the underground market, that, when attached to your computer, will absolutely fry any alien computer system that attempts to break into yours. The harddrive on the intruder’s computer system is obliterated, all saved files wiped out and all programs gone with the wind. And if the target’s system is interfacing with another at the time, that one goes as well. The cost is ca $500.  More fun and games aimed the dim of wit and wearers of very dirty underwear.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 9, 2016

Mar 09 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 9 2016: “Fairly soon, all public urinals will be equipped with spy cameras to protect America against evil foreign terrorists. There are secret cameras now on all US Federal highways, drones spy on every sector of the public, telephone conversatins are transparent, credit cards scrutinized, computer messages routinely read, library book check-outs reported, all mail scanned by the FBI and on and on. Soon enough, the public will rebel against this sort of thing and the results will be terrifying in the extreme as bottled-up anger gushes out.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 8, 2016

Mar 08 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 8 2016: “What is in actuality the biggest intelligence coup in history is the defection of Edward Snowden to Russia. With him when he left Hawaii was an enormous amount of the highest level intelligence data. The question is wether Snowden was aware that his Wikileals connection was controlled by the Russian SVR. In law, circuimstanatial evidence trumps direct evidence and in this matter, circumstaial evidence points to Snowden being well aware that he was working for the SVR and was not an innocent dupe. As a top CIA computer specialist, Snowden became aware of many actions of that agency that he disapproved of for moral resons. Morals and ethics are excellent norms but not effective techinques.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 7, 2016

Mar 07 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 7 2016: “The focus shifts now to Asia where the lunatic North Koreans are threatening nuclular war against the United States, South Korea and Antarctica. Are they capable of this? Highly doubtful but if the North Koreans keep up such noise, they are more than liable to be pounced upon and flattened. If this happens, like so many others in different areas, they have more than brought it on themselves.

China, no great friend of the United States, has warned North Korea to stop its trouble-making but to no avail. Another Korean War in the offing? If so, it would be nasty, brutish and short.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 6, 2016

Mar 06 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 6 2016: “Turkey is now facing incipient rebellion of its Kurdish population. These represent about 25% of the population of Turkey and occupy much of that country. The government of Turkey is harassing the Kurds, who are allied with the US in Syria, and eventually, Ankara will regret its attempts to reprise the 1916 massacre of the Christian Armenians. A hostile Russia has been clandestinely supplying Kurdish nationalists with weapons and, with black humor evident, giving them American-made weapons! When the Turks find these in the hands of Kurdish nationalists, they blame the US for arming their enemies.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 5, 2016

Mar 05 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 5. 2016: “The pious pontificating of the American (and foreign) media about Donald Trump has been enjoyable to observe. These intellectual giants and molders of public opinion were, almost to a man (or woman) dismissive of Trump and divided about whether Hillary or Bernie would make the best president. The more conservative ones contemplated Cruz with kindness and support. It should have been obvious to the gurus of the media that the final determinations rest with the public and all the bleatings, pontificating and snorting are as nothing when election day comes. The American public has grown very tired of the endless con jobs foisted off on them by the brainless media and a corrupt government and when someone like Trump exposes them, they listen. And they vote. Are the media pundits and box-cars full of experts going to flee to Canada if Trump is elected? Hopefully.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 4, 2016

Mar 04 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 4. 2016:”Now there are frenzied, and uncordinated, attempts to somehow convince the voting American public, that Donald Trump ought not to be voted for. The real reason for this anger is that Truimp is not part of the domestic political machinery and if elected, might prove to be another Teddy Roosevelt who could damage the long-established bribery routines that are the lifeblood of American politics. The American public has become jaded and is growing increasingly angry with their elected officials. And when various foreign depositors discover that the gold they stored in Ft. Knox for safety has all been sold by the U.S. government to China to pay for huge military expenditures, then the global community will become as angry as the domestic one.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 3, 2016

Mar 03 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 3. 2016: “Floating around on the Deep Internet is a thick file of purloined official documents concerning the US military, and political, projected activities in the Arctic. These are part of a plan to thwart Vladimir Putin and grab Arctic oil reserves and secure trade routes. The change of government in Canada, which was going to allow US military installations on the northern Canadian shores, has caused much unhappiness inside the Beltway and now there are new plans being formulated. The policy is not to buy oil from the Russians but to steal it. The notorious neo-cons are the instigators of this policy but the advent of Donald Trump on the political scene and his surging support numbers are driving the neo-cons, the religious nuts and the left-wingers into a mixture of hate and fear. These creeps have had control of the levers of power in the United States for far too long. Times change, dudes, and we must change with them.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News March 2, 2016

Mar 02 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 2 2016: “Vox populi, Vox Deo, (‘The voice of the people is the voice of God’) There is nothing more entertaining than to watch the believers in popular wisdom get a good kick in the private parts. This is the case of the ascendency of Donald Trump. He is very obviously resonating with the American voters while at the same time, causing spastic colon to professional conservatives and liberals alike. Trump is most certainly the Man on the White Horse whose arrival has been long anticipated by the more rational observers of the American political scene. Inbred and corrupt, American political figures spew platitudes, false promises and general bovine fecal matter at election times and when their vehicles are passed by another, scream with frustrated rage. But at the same time, their howlings are echoed by cynical laughter from the more observant.” Continue Reading »

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