Archive for March, 2016

TBR News March 1, 2016

Mar 01 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., March 1 2016: “The anger and bewilderment over the success of Trump in the hustings is easy to comprehend. For years, politics in America has been controlled by monied interests. Candidates need huge sums of money to run for higher offices and this money comes from those who expect to be repaid if and when the candidate is elected. America is run by power groups, economic and social, and the public has little to do with anything, other than to pay their taxes and be bamboozled into voting for another hand puppet. Eventualy, the shovel gets full and the public revolts. This is what we are seeing now and wail and roar as they do, the hand puppets and their friends in the shrinking mass media are nothing but voices, crying in the wilderness.” Continue Reading »

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