Archive for July, 2017

TBR News July 11, 2017

Jul 11 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 11, 2017:”The United States is not run by a strong leader but by committees. The results are like the camel which is a horse designed by a Congressional committee. There are economic control groups, political control groups, bureaucratic control groups all pushing and pulling for the success of their individual needs. There is no coherent diplomatic program evident in the United States with one group strongly desiring war with everyone and other groups opposed to this. Overpopulation, radical climate changes, global reduction in food supplies and underemployment are all contributory factors in the sharp rise in global violence and unless, and until, the irritants are dealt with, the violence will continue to mount. And no committee or oligarchy can deal with these problems and in the end, they will be swept away when an angry and frustrated public bares it teeth and charges.”

Table of Contents

  • Diplomacy needed now
  • After G20: A look at left-wing radicalism in Europe
  • Iraqi Forces Recapture Mosul Where They Suffered Their Heaviest Defeat
  • Syrian Observatory says has ‘confirmed information’ that Islamic State chief killed
  • Blogger discredits claim Amelia Earhart was taken prisoner by Japan
  • Cheap missiles threaten Navy’s billion pound warships, think tank warns
  • U.S. missile hits test target as North Korea tension rises
  • ‘We need more Earths’: Controversial author’s dire warning as world’s population heads for 11bn mark
  • Ambassador Nikki Haley vs. President Trump
  • The European Motor Sputters to Life
  • The early flowering and later withering of Communism in the United States
  • Who opposes the Iranian regime and why?

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TBR News July 10, 2017

Jul 10 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 10, 2017:” Governments, like individuals, are chronically in need of money to operate.

This funding comes from diverse sources in the main taxes raised from the population.

But in a democratic state, these funds are controlled and accountable.

It would be, as it is in the United States, quite acceptable for the government to loot the Social Security and federal pension funds until all that remains to the eye of the beneficiaries is a hollow facade, only awaiting a strong windstorm to collapse.

However, it is another matter entirely for a government to make a profit by selling illegal drugs to its own citizens, as only one example.

Clandestine agencies are always loathe to disclose to the custodians of public funds the reasons for which their budgetary needs are required.

Other, and less public, sources have to be tapped. Here we have an example of how such matters are conducted on the highest levels.”

Table of Contents

  • Russophobia Hits the Libertarian Movement
  • The Dangers of a Public in Arms
  • Germany starts to withdraw troops from Turkish Incirlik base
  • Why Is Nikki Haley Still Trump’s UN Ambassador?
  • The Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election
  • Huge crowd rallies in Istanbul against Turkey’s post-coup crackdown
  • Saudi Arabia exports extremism to many countries – including Germany, study says
  • Trump presses congressional Republicans to pass healthcare plan
  • Stolen Gold and Coming Revolution
  • To Syria and Back

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TBR News July 9, 2017

Jul 09 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 9, 2017:”Even though the left wing MLM is not happy with what appears to be a positive meeting between Trump and Putin, it appears that both parties were in general agreement and if this is true, it bodes well for more positive cooperation in the boiling kettle of Mid Eastern disputations. Trust that rabid Trump and Putin haters like Rachel Maddow will do their best to sabotage any genuine cooperation between the United States and Russia. It might be useful to pack the lot of the neo-cons and their hand-puppets to Antarctica to study the giant cities hidden under the ice and once occupied by a race of giant penguins.”

Table of Contents

  • Iraqi elite force reaches Mosul Old City riverbank as Islamic State faces defeat
  • Mosul: Iraq PM to celebrate victory over IS in the city
  • Syria truce goes into effect after Trump-Putin talks
  • Turkey will not tolerate Kurdish state & ‘terror havens’ on its borders – Erdogan
  • MSM, Still Living in Propaganda-ville
  • Donald Trump: time to move forward and work constructively with Russia
  • Trump says discussed forming cyber security unit with Putin
  • ‘Russiagate’: The Stink Without a Secret
  • Senator McCain says Republican healthcare bill likely dead
  • The Defense Intelligence Agency Report of April 20, 1978 in re the Kennedy Assassination

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TBR News July 8, 2017

Jul 08 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 8, 2017:” It has been said that no general staff ever developed a new weapon that they did not fully intend to use. Although Hitler was strongly opposed to the use of poison gas, having been a victim of it in the 1914 war, German scientists developed terrible nerve gasses during the Second World War that were never used, but were certainly loaded into standard artillery shells for possible use. After the war, these shells were dumped into the Baltic Sea and it is only a matter of time before the metal casings corrode sufficiently to permit an enormous amount of lethal gas to escape, wreaking havoc on the Baltic states and parts of Poland.

Bacteriological warfare has been practiced in the past as witness the comments about infecting Indians with smallpox, and no doubt it will be practiced in the future. But Müller’s comments about the inability to control its spread should constitute the greatest reason for not utilizing it. Information has emerged in the 90s that during the Cold War, US military agencies have experimented to one degree or another with such substances, using their civilian population as guinea pigs. A number of outbreaks of diseases such as Legionnaire’s Disease and AIDS have been suggested by reputable epidemiologists as highly suspect in origin but as official governmental agencies strongly deny these allegations, such suggestions must be entirely discounted.

The case of Generalarzt Walter Paul Schreiber emphasizes the US government’s interest in the development of bacteriological agents for field use. The official German records show that Professor Dr. habil Walter Schreiber was born in Berlin on March 21, 1893. He served in various posts in the German Army including Chief of the Department for Science and Health at the Medical Corps, Headquarters of the German Army. Prior to 1939, Schreiber had visited the United States to study U.S. Military medical techniques in February and March of 1927. During the war, he had problems with the Gestapo because he raised objections to the development of and experimentation on Soviet prisoners of war with various bacteriological agents. Schreiber was eventually warned against further protests and returned to his duties. He was a specialist in communicable diseases and authored a work in 1944 on the plague in south-east Russia. Schreiber was the senior medical officer of Berlin, captured by the Russians, and worked with them until 1948 when he escaped to the West.

After extensive debriefing, Schreiber, his wife and son were brought to the United States under the CIA’s “Operation Paperclip” on September 8, 1951, and he was attached to the USAF School of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Field, San Antonio, Texas. When Schreiber’s wartime activities were discovered by the media, he had to leave the United States.”

Table of Contents

  • Trump and Putin find chemistry, draw criticism in first meeting
  • Trump: Meeting with Putin was ‘tremendous’
  • Macron to Putin: ‘We can move to new phase in Russia-France relations’
  • Battle for Mosul: IS defeat imminent, says state TV
  • Erdogn says Turkey will respond to any threats on its border
  • As Trump and Putin meet, US and Russia agree ceasefire for southwest Syria
  • The Biometric Frontier
  • Stolen Gold and Coming Revolution
  • Black Friday: Hamburg’s G-20 Security Failure
  • Untreatable gonorrhea ‘superbug’ spreading around world, WHO warns

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TBR News July 7, 2017

Jul 07 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 7, 2017:” Historical events are very much like a child’s kaleidoscope. It is possible to identify all of the shapes and colors of the bits of glass contained in the toy, but when they are placed in a mirrored tube, no one can accurately predict the exact patterns that will emerge when the tube is rotated. Historians can recognize the factors and forces that create change but can never predict exactly when or how they will combine, or what the effect of these combinations will be.

The coup, a seizure of power, has been a part of history for as long as man has been an organized social animal. The determined will attack the complacent, sometimes with success, and as often with failure. That which was successful in a disorganized and demoralized Imperial Russia might not be at all successful in another country at another time.

No coup or popular rising has taken place in times of relative stability. It is only when the great middle-class awakens to find itself and its institutions under attack and undefended that the thought of self-defense becomes valid. Violent upheavals do not begin without warning. Before a volcano erupts, there are nearly always ominous signs of the impending disaster and very often, clear though these indications may be, they are ignored out of the fear of radical change found in the complacent throughout history.

Trotsky very clearly recognized this fear of change and took swift advantage of it when he seized power in Russia. By the time the public was aware of what had happened, it was almost too late to react, and by the time the population, most of whom were only interested in survival and creature comforts might have reacted, the militants were in power and increasing their control on a daily basis.

A conservative government might be dull but it does not, in general, attempt to exert control over its citizens, other than to maintain law and order. A radical government, on the other hand, cannot feel safe in its power until it has established an ever-intrusive control over its people. Control of weapons is certainly a prime goal for such an entity and this would work in tandem with discrediting, and eventually destroying, any institution that might be able to mount an attack on it. The first target would be any religious group who might find a moral, and hence religious, fault with its goals or techniques. The second target would be any other organization that could conceivably organize against it.

In a monarchy, the people have little choice over the succession of rulers and a good king with a short reign can easily be replaced by a bad one with a long reign. In a republic, malfunction and mendacity are correctable at the ballot box. If this safety valve is shut down, an explosion will certainly result. Thus, Müller’s discussion of the importance of the press, or media, as a means of public control has complete validity.

News can easily be controlled by those with the desire and ability to do so. Governments can exert great influence over nearly any media entity through their power in the granting of licenses or their control over entree to official information. By a de facto control over the reporting of news, an administration bent on complete domination can accomplish the implementation of their goals with relative ease, given a receptive and passive audience.

Faked opinion polls and heavily slanted pro-administration reportage might have had a strong effect on this audience when there were no other sources of information. But, with the advent of alternative information sources, such as the computer, the photocopier and the facsimile machine, propaganda is far less able to influence, dominate, and control public perceptions.

The concept of civil unrest is always abhorrent to the entrenched entities which comprise the leadership of the political and business factors of an urbanized and stable society. These individuals belong to the Order of St. Precedent whose motto is “Look Backwards,” and whose watchword is “That Which Has Not Been, Cannot Be.” Trotsky and his ilk knew how to utilize such blindness.”

Table of Contents

  • Sikkim Stand-Off: China and India Collide in the Himalayas
  • Netherlands: Turkish deputy PM not welcome for rally
  • The G-20’s Most Important Meeting
  • NYPD Attempts to Block Surveillance Transparency Law With Misinformation
  • The Enemy of My Enemy Is My…?
  • The Israeli Military is Buying Copter Drones With Machine Guns

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TBR News July 6, 2017

Jul 06 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 6, 2017:”Unchecked population increases leads to erratic and hostile behavior and this, always, leads to some manner of conflicts. What can be done about it? Nothing. When a species, and born-again Christians aside we are a species, becomes too overpopulated, there is always a readjustment to smaller numbers. With rodents and lesser creatures, this is manifested by disease but with the higher orders, warfare and bloody violence seems to be the preferable method of adjustment.”

Table of Contents

  • The ‘Forgotten’ US Shootdown of Iranian Airliner Flight 655­
  • Before G20, Erdogan accuses Germany of ‘committing suicide’: Zeit
  • European parliament votes to suspend Turkey EU accession talks
  • Can U.S. defend against North Korea missiles? Not everyone agrees
  •  Chinese purchase billions of dollars’ worth of real estate in Australia annually
  • Putin’s Chintzy Plan to Keep the Chinese Out of Siberia
  • The Espionage Act: One Hundred Years of Murky Law
  • The Farm Belt führer: the making of a neo-Nazi
  • Auschwitz: Fact and Fiction

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TBR News July 5, 2017

Jul 05 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 5, 2017:”I spent the holiday digging into old records donated to me by a friend, now deceased, who was a deputy director of that organization. Some of the background on the Second World War is interesting in that it conflicts with current historical opinion. As most published writers on historical matters are paid hacks, their opinions are not worth much.

There is no question whatsoever that during the Roosevelt administration, many radical leftists joined his New Deal and their ill-conceived and abrasive activities infuriated many Americans.

In a democracy, such behavior can usually be curbed if it becomes too prevalent. However, during the Roosevelt era, the President was battling the Great Depression, which suddenly flared up again in 1938, and his skillful presentation of right-wing dictatorships in Germany, Italy and Japan were viewed as potential threats to America.

These two factors, economic and ideological, helped keep Roosevelt in office. Although, after his own dictatorial attempt to control the Supreme Court failed in Congress in 1936, his popularity in the polls was steadily shrinking.

After Roosevelt actively aided and abetted the United States’ entry in the war, his tenure in the White House was secure until the war was over. Those historians who praise Roosevelt as a great man, claim that he, indeed, schemed to involve America in global war but did so because Germany and Japan were planning to invade the continental United States. However, post-war searches of captured German and Japanese state archives have not produced a shred of evidence in support of this invasion theory.

Throughout his entire life, Roosevelt was dominated by his mother who was possessed of exceptionally strong personal prejudices. She ran her only child like a Swiss railroad. On her annual European trips, Mrs. Roosevelt preferred to mingle with correct British society and found her hotel stays in Germany abhorrent. Mrs. Roosevelt was anti-Semitic and her deep hatred of Germans was instilled in her son from an early age. She constantly referred to black Americans as “niggers,” and so her prejudice became his prejudice, also.

The flowering of leftist views in Washington left many Americans furious but because of the President’s general popularity, America was powerless to vote him out of office. This continuing frustration produced a flood of savage anti-Roosevelt commentary and a heightened detestation of the shrill importunings of the extreme left governmental appointees.

When Roosevelt died suddenly in 1945, his successor Harry Truman was viewed as an unknown entity.

Truman, who was no fan of Stalin or his ideology, acted cautiously to remove the New Deal activists from power.

This earned Truman unpopularity with some factions of the media and especially the American motion picture industry, which was a strong supporter of left-wing causes.”


Table of Contents

  • North Korea says its ICBM can carry nuclear warhead; U.S. calls for global action
  • In North Korea, ‘Surgical Strike’ Could Spin Into ‘Worst Kind of Fighting’
  • Anti-Interventionist Voters Elected Trump
  • The Fraud of the White Helmets
  • ‘Amid worsening US-German relations, Berlin may reorient itself to Russia’
  • The G-20 in an Unjust World: Only Radical Thinking and Action Can Tame Globalization

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TBR News July 4, 2017

Jul 04 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 4, 2017:”We will be out of the office until July 5, 2017”

Table of Contents

  • Three more states refuse Trump commission’s voter data request
  • The Fall of Mosul Is a Defeat for Isis, But It Remains a Deadly Force
  • Germany doubles down on Erdogan rally ban during Hamburg G20
  • Where is ‘Islamic State’ leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?
  • Germany: Far-right violence and Islamist threat on the rise
  • China raises ‘negative’ factors in U.S. relations after Xi’s call with Trump
  • What is an intercontinental ballistic missile?
  • The Broken Encirclement Plan: Nato in Eastern Europe
  • How to Love This Freaky Country
  • The Churchill Report

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TBR News July 3, 2017

Jul 03 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 3, 2017:” When an empire slips into decline, it does so in clearly identifiable stages.

This is the case with the American empire at the present time.

Franklin Roosevelt pushed the US into what became the Second World War for personal reasons. (The Roosevelt family were Jewish on both sides and Hitler’s anti-Jewish policies enraged the president) and the result of this was that at its conclusion there were two dominant nations left in the rubble.

These were the United States and Russia and the struggle then began to see which would dominate.

Initially, the United States was successful, and through duplicity and threats, reduced Russia to a squabbling and disintegrating state.

But those in power in the United States also saw that Russia had enormous natural resources and so a frantic effort was made to not only subjugate Russia but also get physical control of her oil, gas and other assets. America was initially a democracy, then a republic and finally, an oligarchy.

The men who controlled the policies of this country are a handful of very rich and powerful people; bankers and the oil industry predominant.

And to secure America’s world leadership designs, small wars were fought to gain control of natural resources and establish American business interests and the American dollar as the world standards.

The British empire had achieved this goal at one point but lost everything through arrogance and carelessness and now the American empire finds itself in the same position as Britain did in 1914.

Like the British, America has fought a series of wars against small and relatively defenseless countries to gain control of their resources.

As an example of this, America attacked Iraq, not because we disliked Saddam Hussein (whom we captured and subsequently executed) but to gain control of the enormous but untapped Iraqi oil reserves.

Iraq slipped through American control because of religious infighting and with that defeat, the next goal was Russia and her Arctic and Black Sea  oil reserves.

That project fell apart as Putin, taking advantage of a CIA-fomented rebellion in Kiev, got back Russian control of the Crimea with its vital naval base and extensive offshore oil deposits.”

Table of Contents

  • Saudi Arabia’s Ruthless Crown Prince Threatens Neighbors, Unsettles Middle East
  • UK’s Jeremy Corbyn: Halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia
  • The Growing U.S.-Iran Proxy Fight in Syria
  • Saudi Arabia’s Ruthless Crown Prince Threatens Neighbors, Unsettles Middle East
  • U.S. no longer a ‘friend’ in Merkel election program
  • Macron seeks to cut number of MPs by a third
  • Surprise war vote points to shift in GOP
  • Greek coast guard opens fire on Turkish-flagged cargo vessel in Aegean Sea – report
  • The Control of the American News Media
  • Analysis: Threat from disease weapons

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TBR News July 2, 2017

Jul 02 2017 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 2, 2017:”The only reason why Washington wants to maintain a strong military presence in Afghanistan is not to bring True Democracy and Freedom to the Afghan people but to protect the areas where opium poppies are grown.

The crop of Yen Shee or raw opium, is very large and of excellent quality.

A portion of this, which looks like baseball-sized lumps of rubber cement, goes north to the refineries in Kosovo from whence it travels north on the Adriatic, through southern Austria, into Germany and up, through the Baltic, to Russia.

The bulk of the crop is crated, put into the holds of large commercial aircraft and flown to Columbia where it is converted to heroin and trans-shipped to the United States via the Mexican drug cartels.

Who owns these transport planes?

The CIA does.

And that explains why America is so determined to bring True Democracy and Freedom to the Afghan people and protect the opium.

All one has to do is to look on the Internet and see the maps showing the current opium fields and then look at other public maps showing the general positions of American military to see the truth of the matter.

And does the Pentagon profit from this?

Does the White House?

No, but Langley does.”


Table of Contents

  • Inside Trump’s Disastrous ‘Secret’ Drug War Plans for Central America
  • How the Pentagon Uses “Jeopardy” to Train Its Special Operations Forces
  • As the Islamic State falls in Syria, one city offers a preview of the country’s future
  • Trump plays Nostradamus with wild Syrian chemical weapon prediction
  • Closures, overcrowding, rats: New York City commuters face ‘summer of hell’
  • Israeli Invasion of Lebanon, 2006: Fact and Fiction

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