Archive for February, 2016

TBR News February 9, 2016

Feb 09 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 9, 2016: ”It is a badly-kept secret in certain government and scienfitic circles that the US is working steadily towards a colonization of Mars. The technology is available and what is needed will be the very significant funding. To get this from Congress will take a great deal of preliminary propaganda and media puff. Why colonize Mars? This planet is becoming dangerously overcrowded and our natural resources are being drained. Also, there aare the ever-present threats of war and religious terrorism that also would entail the spending of huge sums of taxpayer’s money with little visable results (saving for the damages that could be caused by even a limited nuclear episode)The thinking is that if the US can set up a colony well-removed from the home planet, at least some of the race will survive and possibly, Mars might make a good launching pad for rocketry.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 7, 2016

Feb 07 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 8, 2016: ”Communicants have asked me why we use Russia Today (RT) as a source. Many Americans are taught that Russians are evil and not be to be believed. RT is Russian and has a Russian point of view but it is quite accurate and is a counter-balance to, let us say, the New York Times. The American media is not as polished as the Russian and while the Russian news sites only have to be attentive to the Kremlin, American media not only listens to official Washington but various controlling  domestic business interests as well.Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 7, 2016

Feb 06 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 7, 2016: ”There is clandestine but frantic effort on the part of the current Administration inside the Beltway, to distance ourselves from what our people are now beginning to realize is a very dangerous Saudi interference in Mid Eastern affairs. The current warfare, slaughters, attacks on perceived Western enemies by Saudi-sponsored Sunni terrorists is spilling over into hitherto peaceful areas. Egypt, a country that is Sunni, is in the hands of a military dictatorship and an Egyptian terrorist recently put a bomb on a Russian civil aircraft and killed everyone on board. They have constantly interfered with investigations and if they go too far, they will annoy the Russians. This is not a good idea as many are finding out to their regret. There are well-advanced plans to overthrow the Saud dynasty and if this happens, the US will have to search further for its vital oil .Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 6, 2016

Feb 06 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 6, 2016: ”Although the UN has condemned the actions against Julian Assange, neither the US nor its pet poodle, Britain care. The UN, the darling of the Roosevelts, has as mucn power in world events as does the city council for the town of Bad Seepage, Ohio. If the US plans to invade some small but oil-rich country, they loudely claim all manner of civil rights violations on the part of thieir intended victim and get a supporting vote in the captive UN but if that latter body dares to support measures the US does not like, these are ignored. Assange, an Australian citizen, used to work for the US Army’s DARPA program against the Chinese but when he branched out on his own, taking over the US-controlled Wikileaks, Washington went after him. Wikileaks was later taken over by Russian intelligence and managed to bag Edward Snowden and because of this, reap an incredible reward of tens of thousands of the highest level intelligence documents.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 5, 2016

Feb 05 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 5, 2016: ”There is increasing fear in official Washington about the possibility of an IS attack in the United States. Our borders are not secure and floods of illegals pour into this country from both Mexico and Canada. It would only take a very few fanatics to create politicall and domestic havoc by, let us say, bombing some iconic building in a major city, None of these brainless twits have thought about setting wild fires or derailing trains but sooner or later, such activites might dawn on them. The real answer to this kind of terrorism is counter-terrorism but the destruction, let us say, of a Sunni holy site would also infuriate other Muslim countries, some of whom have vital oil. The German wartime program called ‘Night and Fog’ is also another solution. In this program, targeted terrorists or their leaders, simply vanish while out for a walk with their dog or making a visit to a public lavatory. They are never heard of again and the turmoil caused by the mysterious disappearances causes suspicions and fears in the ranks of the survivors.”. Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 4, 2016

Feb 04 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 4, 2016: ”.Consider, if you will, the word  ‘Parousia.’

Parousia refers to the Second Coming of Christ as understood by the Christian Pentecostal sects. to which a number of Presidential candidates ascribe. This second coming assumes a first coming (here, the facts are not in evidence ) but the fixation on bringing about the latter appearance is intense and determined.

It is the belief of Pentecostals that when certain conditions are met, Jesus Christ will return to earth, take his elect (the Pentecostals) physically to Paradise in an event known as Rapture. Those not belonging to the Pentecostal elect will have to remain behind for Satan to deal with.

When Parousia happens, there will be a great battle fought at Armageddon between the forces of Jesus and the Devil and his antichrist and Jesus, quite naturally, will be triumphant.

All of this, the Pentecostals assure their membership, can be found in the book of Revelation.

Unfortunately for this interesting thesis, the struggle between good and evil at Armageddon is not found in the book of Revelations. Revelations 16:16 only mentions the name of the long-forgotten town but there is nothing about an epic struggle mentioned anywhere else other than twisted interpretations in cult literature.

This strange book was allegedly written by St. John the Devine, a disciple of Jesus when, in fact is believed by most reputable Biblical scholars to have been written by a certain John of Patmos who lived many years after the period ascribed to Christ’s ministry.

John of Patmos was a hermit/monk on the Greek island of Patmos and contemporary historical reference briefly dismisses him as a lunatic. No one has been able to understand a word of what he wrote, and his confused and mystic writings easily lends themselves to all manner of interpretations by various dimwitted and obsessed religious fanatics.

When Martin Luther prepared the Protestant Bible, he discarded Revelations, and other books then found in the Bible, as being ‘unworthy and filled with nonsense.’Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 3, 2016

Feb 03 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 3, 2016: ”There is an extensive file on the activities of Edward Snowden floating around on the deep internet that is absolutely fascinating to read…at least for those who have read it. It is the sort of report that ought to see wider distribution. It does not denigrate Snowden but it certainly does not speak well of his one-time employers. From a pragmatic point of view, it is not wise for an intelligence agency to hire an idealist.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 2, 2016

Feb 02 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 2, 2016: ”The Iowa caucus is over, proving nothing at all. Iowa is filled with militant Jesus Freaks and Cruz is a religious big-mouth. He left wing press is crowing that Trump lost (though not by a big margin) but if Cruz happened to get into the White House, believe it that there would be all manner of nutty religious programs shoved down the national throat. Hillary, intelligent but obnoxious, won over Sanders by a tiny percentage point so look for the self-important bloggers to try to build a city out of soft mud. Current American politics is trivial, programmed and very boring. It is also iniconsequential because powerful business interests, including the banking industry, are the real puppet masters.Continue Reading »

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TBR News February 1, 2016

Feb 01 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C. February 1, 2016: ”I have been given, by a reader, a thick manuscript dealing with Edward Snowden, his activities and why the Russians got their hands on him. Snowden is a very intelligent and capable computer system expert but eventually found himself in strong disagreement with some of the activities of the CIA, for whom he was then working. When the Russians got their hands on his material, it is considered by insiders as the biggest intelligence coup in history. Of course no one in Moscow or Washington wants to discuss any of this and the propaganda put out by both sides is highly entertaining. This will be covered soon enough but insofar as Snowden is concerned, there is nothing of a negative nature to say against him. He did the right thing for the wrong reasons.Continue Reading »

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