Archive for October, 2016

TBR News October 11, 2016

Oct 11 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House  


Washington, D.C.  October 11, 2016:”The obvious ability of Vladimir Putin to second guess Washington’s every move is not a secret. Is he psychic? No, but Russian intelligence has performer miracles in that it has the capacity to unlock any computer system, even those believed by their users as being “absolutely secure.” The present presidential election is a case in point. A good part of Europe and certainly Russia does not want to see Hillary Clinton in the White House. She is viewed as a warmonger, greedy beyond belief, a sick person who loses physical control and very pro-Israel. The releasing of highly embarrassing emails is by no means an accident and the public should look for more and more revelations before the election.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 10, 2016

Oct 10 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House  


Washington, D.C.  October 10, 2016:”The flat-line presidential campaign does little to enhance the fading image of the United States as the Leader of the World. An old recording of Trump telling off-color jokes has been trumpted by the media until no one cares. More and more negative information about Hillary is emerging from hacked insider messaging and now, it is discovered, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were actually never married. A California investigator, digging into old records, could not find any kind of a marriage certificate issued by any agency but did discover two local newspaper comments about a “pledging of love” for the two at a Hippy ashram. This, while perhaps sataisfying to some, does not constitute legal marriage. When this new scandal goes public, no doubt the Democrats will scream that it’s all the fault of the Russians! At the same time, they can also accuse Putin of starting hurricaine Matthew or being responsible for Wayne Newton recordings.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 9, 2016

Oct 09 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White

The Voice of the White House


Washington, D.C.  October 9, 2016:”The American media, obedient to its master’s desires, has spent most of its time squealing about a ten year old satiric tape of Donald Trump making suggestive remarks about women. Hillary, on the other hand, would also make suggestive remarks about women and for the same reasons. The campaign has degeneraged into moronic mud throwing and from Hillary’s side, hysterical accusations that the evil Russians are responsible for digging out and releasing her less attractive internet comments. The question of whether or not Hillary actually said what it appears she said is not the media issue but the movitiations behind releasing the remarks are. And parallal with the accusations of tampering with the sacred elections in November, the US government is shaking its fist at Russia and making vague threats of military actions in order to increase public angst. This kind of game-playing led to the destructive first and second world wars and is the sort of moronic behavior that is a signature of the dim of wit.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 8, 2016

Oct 08 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House  


Washington, D.C.  October 8, 2016:” More hacked Clinton messaging is becoming public and, true to form, her staff is screaming that the Russians are responsible. Actually, Hillary is responsible for her messages, not the Kremlin, and if she was indiscreet, that can only be laid at her feet, not Putin’s. Trump is certainly eccentric at times but Hillary is deliberately dishonest, manipulative, vindictive and physically quite ill. It is a pity that there are not more choices for the increasingly turned-off voting public.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 7, 2016

Oct 07 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House


Washington, D.C.  October 7, 2016: “The Florida hurricaine is being covered everywhere and so we are relieved of the chore of wading through pro-Hillary and anti-Trump articles that clog the news sites. Obama’s Endless Wars are grinding on, costing many lives and American tax-payer’s money, Sausi Arabia is still backing IS and everyone is threating everyone else. Eventually, as tensions rise, some idiot will make a mistake and more war will break out. The UN is a uselese talk shop and can do nothing to defuse the global situations and American legislators are now fully engaged, not in dealing with crisis but the political campaigns. The First World War, that ruined European nations, started not because of malice but because of incompetence on the part of second-rate politicians.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 6, 2016

Oct 06 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House  

Washington, D.C.  October 6, 2016: “The news is full of corruption stories, interlaced with reports of serious thefts of vital documents, police brutality, crude political manipulations, more corruption at the highest levels, on-going war crimes by vaunted democracies who are no more democracies or peace-bringers than the Israelis or Saudis, Someone once said that people were governed with little sense and they were right. Wolves are more civilized in their interaction with other wolves than the present leaders, and alleged protectors are of their own people.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 5, 2016

Oct 05 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House 

Washington, D.C.  October 4, 2016: “We are out of the office until October 6.-ed Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 4, 2016

Oct 04 2016 Published by under Uncategorized



The Voice of the White House 

Washington, D.C.  October 4, 2016: “We are out of the office until October 6.-ed Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 3, 2016

Oct 03 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House  

Washington, D.C.  October 3, 2016: “This coming national election seems to be a contest between bad and badder. The loser will be the American public. Over population and under employment are not a good mix for domestic tranquility. There hasn’t been a good president since Harry Truman and every year, the choices are getting worse and worse until finally, we can choose between Charlie Manson and Rick Parry of Wisconson. And if the public, in its wrath, rose up and threw out the entire circus of crooks, swindler, liars, psychopaths and moral lepers, believe it that ten years later, new ones would take their place and the public would have to start house cleaning all over again.” Continue Reading »

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TBR News October 2, 2016

Oct 02 2016 Published by under Uncategorized

The Voice of the White House 

Washington, D.C.  October 2, 2016: “We have had several readers wonder why we used the Russia Today website for news when it was a propaganda site for that country. It is entirely true that RT is owned by the Russian government and expresses their views on many subjects.

It is also true that if one checks the accuracy of their stories, they are always based entirely on fact, not fiction. RT was the first site to discuss in depth the assauts by American law enforcement on unarmed black citizens.

All of these stories without exception, are unfortunately true and the Guardian has also begun to use the same material in its stories.

All countries make use of propaganda.

When there was trouble in eastern Ukraine, the New York Times showed pictures on its front page of Russian troops, and said that these had just invaded the Ukraine. Unfortuately for truth, the pictures were old ones, taken on military training excercies ten years before.

When a hospital was bombed in Syria, the American media rushed into print, blaming Russia and decrying such activities.

They conveniently forgot the recent American military assault on a Pakistani hospital.

In the view of the US media, this was ‘a regrettable accident’ but in the case of accusatory articles on alleged Russian activities, these were condemned as ‘brutal disregard of humanitarian standards.’

Lies always have short legs.” Continue Reading »

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