Archive for December, 2016

TBR News December 1, 2016

Dec 01 2016 Published by under Uncategorized



The Voice of the White House  

Washington, D.C.  December 1, 2016:” “There is a serious, and growing, population problem on this planet and we see it manifested in growing acts of violence, random and without any logical cause.

In what is called ‘nature,’ whenever a species grows beyond its capacity to feed itself, it is suddenly reduced in size, usually by the eruption of a disease that hitherto had been considered harmless but which mutated fatal.

The birth rates are certainly dropping in some areas.

In this country, the forthcoming generation cleverly called ‘millenials,’ are badly educated, virtually unemployable, and frustrated because the concept called the ‘American Dream’ is nothing but a sham and a delusion.

They do not have children because of the costs involved.

Our print media, ever obedient to the commands from above, do not speak of this growing mass of potential revolutionaries but I note with humor that the defeat of the machine-supported Clinton machine came as a terrible shock to the servants of the Undeclared Empire.

Chalmers Johnson wrote a book, ‘Blowback” this is worth the read as is Eric Hoffer’s ‘True Believer.’

And the more restive the population becomes, the more frantic are the efforts on the part of the overlords to repress them.

This becomes an endless circle but one that always escalates.

Will there be guillotines set up in public squares as the mob reigns for a brief time?

And then a Fouché will appear and destroy the Robespierre-style fanatics and a new empire will arise from the wreckage of the old.

The depressing aspect of history is that we are condemned to repeat it.” Continue Reading »

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