Archive for October, 2018

TBR News October 11, 2018

Oct 11 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 11, 2018:” There is a distinct difference between American conservatives and the strange lot now in power in Washington who claim to be conservatives. This country is now being run, haphazardly indeed, by people who can only be termed as ‘deranged’ as witness a situation paper being leaked in which President Trump states his determination to institute a national draft and to abolish Social Security. When, not if, these concepts are in the process of implementation and become public, there will surely be active rebellion from the bulk of the populace and this will engender a wave of official, and militant, repression. There many of us and fewer of them, will run the theme, and the results will be pockets of insurrection that will grow. This is not a matter of speculation, as found on the less sane blogs, but an historical reality based on many movements in the past. The public discontent and rebellions of the Vietnam War era would be nothing compared with an enraged middle class in America and if the military, as happened in Petrograd in 1917, refused to fire on civilians, the coin will have flipped for good or evil. ”

The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 47
  • Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, and the Rule of Pampered Princelings
  • Aux Barricades Mes Enfants!
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations
  • Sinking Santa Cruz: climate change threatens famed California beach town
  • Who, or what, is Sorcha Faal: A Posterboy for Mental Health: The Coming of Planet X Fraud

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TBR News October 10, 2018

Oct 10 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 10, 2018:” Fascinating to follow the results of the rapidly melting Greenland and Antarctica glaciers.

Some years ago, it was believed that in 4000 years, the seas would rise about .01 cm but now the scientific world is in a state of manic frenzy on the subject.

Because of the enormous financial damage rising sea levels will cause, many governments are not willing to spend either the time or money addressing the issue and take refuge in rigged conclusions by whorish scientists.

A friend in Boston, and another one is Miami, would disagree that there is no sea level problem but the media, ever obedient to its master’s wishes, either dodges the issue or keeps up the myth that none of this will happen for five hundred years.

It is happening now, dudes, and property values all along the east coast of the United States have plunged downward. Perhaps the optimistic government-paid scientists could try to convince prospective buyers to purchase valuable coastside property that now is unsalable.


The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 46
  • Nikki Haley: the latest Trump enabler to ruin her shot at redemption
  • Nikki Haley, Donald Trump’s global enabler, was no moderate
  • Nikki Haley’s departure reflects the chaos of Trump’s foreign policy
  • Brett Kavanaugh’s ugly confirmation fight may reverberate for years inside Supreme Court
  • A recent poll shows Trump approval surging ahead with minorities
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations
  • From Gestapo Chief to senior CIA official.

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TBR News October 9, 2018

Oct 09 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 9, 2018: “One of the more humorous highlights of

current uproar is a statement by a Christian gas bag that Donald Trump is a ‘moral man’

This would be the same thing as saying that L. Ron Hubbard of Scientology fame was sane or that Jack the Ripper was kind to women.

Trump is not immoral; he is amoral and there are some highly instructive secret hotel room tapes from Moscow concerning Fat Donald the Groper and a lady that are making the rounds now in Europe, and soon in the United States, that would beg to disargee.


There are many who believe the earth is flat or that Jesus will be appearing at a Dallas mall next week but cold reality would say otherwise.


The capacity of some to believe anything is often difficult to accept but then there is the late Infowars or those who believe they are really important or their wives are pure.


Where is the Easter Bunny now that we need him?

No doubt planning to run for Congress on the Tri-Sexual party ticket.


That is someone who will try anything once, even voting for a Republican or eating the contents of the cat box for lunch.”

The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 45
  • Trump has accepted Nikki Haley’s resignation
  • Kavanaugh will be on the US Supreme Court for life. Here’s how we fight back
  • Christian leader Jerry Falwell urges Trump support: ‘He’s a moral person’
  • God Hates Fags!
  • Benjamin Netanyahu Is No Friend to America
  • Saudi Arabia’s Weakness Is Showing After a Week of Bad Publicity
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations
  •    Student Loan Debt Statistics In 2018: A $1.5 Trillion Crisis

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TBR News October 8, 2018

Oct 08 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 8, 2018: “The following report is Russian in origin, part of a much larger file now in the process of being scanned for eventual Internet posting. It is concise and, as far as possible to determine, quite accurate:

‘Evaluation of Mr. Trump as an asset for Russian interests

Оценка г-на Трампа как актива для интересов России

Russian intelligence has had an interest in Donald Trump since the year 1977 when we received an alert from a sister unit in Prague.

He was described as impressionable young man with large ambitions and money from his family real estate business.

His marriage to a Czech woman whose father was an element in that countries’ intelligence agency brought him to our attention and we went to some lengths to ascertain his potential value for Russian interests.

The initial impression of Mr. Trump was that he was extremely self-important and egotistical to a remarkable degree.

As our first hand knowledge of him progressed it became evident that Mr. Trump fancied himself as a man to whom beautiful women were attracted.

That they were attracted to his money is more evident.

Although it is true he is a person with whom one could establish good business contacts, Mr. Trump was, and is, an overbearing and intolerant person.

He is subject to mood-swings in that what is acceptable today is not tomorrow.

He is easily led by women to whom he is initially very attentive and once he feels he had their purchased loyalty, proceeds to turn his attentions to other women.

It was our experience with Mr. Trump that by supplying him a number of beautiful Russian women, he became besotted and was willing to agree to almost any proposal presented to him.

As a businessman, Mr. Trump is erratic in the extreme. He owes very large sums of money, for example, to the Deutsche Bank, sums he somehow forgets to pay. He also owes large sums to Russian banks but in this case, he dare not neglect to pay.

Although he and President Putin got on well together, Mr. Trump’s promises ought to be taken very cautiously.

Mr. Trump is so convinced of his superiority to others and so easy to influence that promises to one person could easily be forgotten when making identical promises to another.

His current wife, Melanija Knavs, has produced a son and this boy, quite attractive, is the idol of his mother. She has stated to one of our people that she is not happy with her marriage because of her husband’s constant, and often very obnoxious, persuit of other women and does not want her young son to associate with his father lest he hear Mr. Trump’s constant flow of foul and obscene language or see him grab at some woman’s breasts.

She planned to divorce him and take her son back to Yugoslavia but the scandal would do so much damage to Mr. Trump’s public image that she was dissuaded from divorce by the payment of a large sum of money and promises on the part of Mr. Trump to let his wife rear and be responsible for his son.

Insofar as his use to Russian interests, this is problematical due to Mr.Trump’s disturbed personality. He does recall, however, that we released unpleasant material about Mrs. Clinton and that the same sort of material could very easily be released about him.

On the one hand, he has no problem taking Russian money for his businesses but on the other, he is susceptible to pressure from American power groups such as the Christian religious sector, Jewish groups and the military which have virtual control of current American politics and governance.’”


The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 44
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations
  • Rioting in Germany Exposes the Growing Power of the Far Right
  • Trump’s Real-Estate Ambitions in Russia
  • British intelligence now officially a by-word for organized crime
  • At Secretive Retreat, Evangelicals Celebrate Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation
  • Religion as a means of political control

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TBR News October 7, 2018

Oct 07 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 7, 2018: “The Internet has proven to be the greatest source of information since lunatic Christians burnt down the library of Alexandria. Anything being sought, be it an address or an in-depth analysis of Dead Sea scrolls, is there and is the main reason that the famous Encyclopedia Britannica has gone out of business.

At the same time, because it is open to one and all, the Internet is also a breeding ground for a legion of strange persons with a frantic desire to air their pet theses, themselves and their friends.

We see earnest discussions about the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, the Sinister Truth about Hurricane Katrina, Tesla Death Rays used to bring down the buildings of the WTC, balanced with other information proving beyone a shadow of a doubt that Russian bombers were used. We also discover the evil plottings of the Illuminiati, a group that has been long gone, or that the Rothschild banking house had taken over the whole world. And from one source, now long  vanished, we discover that Houston was destroyed by a nuclear bomb set off by Jewish radicals or that the Fukishima disaster was really caused by an Israeli submarine, using German-made nuclear torpedos!

Yes, the Internet can entertain as well as inform.

But the fact that the Internet has many independent news sites means the diminution of the print media and the television news stations. Since these are the propaganda control for the oligarchy, there is great distress in board rooms and from them to the halls of Congress. They would like to shut off the Internet so that the stupid, and tax-paying public can only see what they are supposed to and not what might be the truth.

Obama and Cass Sunstein tried to shut down anyone who dared to interfere with the propaganda machinery but they were not successful. Even a furious and highly delusional eccentric, Trump and his decaying machinery, can’t do it and if they continue to try, there will be very serious public reactions indeed.”

The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 43
  • Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation isn’t democracy. It’s a judicial coup
  • Banks back Democrats in bid to rebuild bipartisan support
  • Prince’s Plan For Afghanistan Isn’t Happening: Votel
  • Who Cares What Erik Prince Thinks?
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations
  • Churchill unmasked

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TBR News October 6, 2018

Oct 06 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 6, 2018: “The Asian banking communities of Taiwan, Singapore and Tokyo are privately expressing their concerns over the possibility that strong rumors of the “dumping” of American dollars by major European and Russian banking houses could create economic havoc with the world currency market.

The perceived recklessness of the American Trump Administration’s willingness to launch military attacks against their perceived enemies has caused deep anxiety in both European and Asian economic institutions. It is felt, most especially in Europe but now even in Asia, that the United States has embarked on a reckless course aimed at world economic domination.

Instead of diplomacy, the Trump administration has resorted to threats of naked aggression against any nation that thwarts its designs on this forceful domination.

Afraid of unbridled American “cannon diplomacy,” first European and now Asian economic and political institutions have been engaged in frantic attempts to neutralize what is seen as naked U.S. military aggression.

Unable to match American military might, a number of nations which include France, Germany, Switzerland, the Russian Republic, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, The People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Malaysia and North Korea have been exploring the possibility of the development of stronger ties, both political and economic.

In a series of meetings now being held in Geneva, Switzerland under conditions of the strictest security, concerned parties have been very seriously considering the options available for the blunting of the current American military and economic plans for world domination.

It is widely held that these investments in Amercan entities are only supplying fuel to the American politico/military machine and that the devaluation of the dollar added to the complete withdrawal of all foreign investment funds would send a serious message indeed to the reckless American President Bush and his clique of “neocons,” (neo-conservatives) most of whom are Israeli Likud-supporting American Jews.

Also under discussion is the future exclusion of what are viewed as “rogue” former Eastern Bloc nations such as Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Rumania, all of whom appeared willing to risk the wrath of the rest of the strongly-antiwar EU by their support of constan and continuing American aggression in the Middle East.

Their denial of entrance into the EU will be counterbalanced by the welcome admission of the Russian Republic into that body.

We have reliably been informed that the People’s Republic of China has been purchasing large blocs of euros as an international trading tool.

This proposed form of international economic warfare, certainly, is not without its risks. American retaliation in the form of trade wars and tariffs is to be expected but it is now believed by the conferees that a combination of the badly damaged U.S. economy, the withdrawal of foreign investment funds and the sharp international devaluation of the American dollar would certainly make widespread international military adventures on the part of the Trump Administration a very costly prospect.”


The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 42
  • America’s new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone
  • The Royal Touch
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations

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TBR News October 5, 2018

Oct 04 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 5, 2018: “The capacity of most people for self-delusion certainly is not limited to Trump and Jesus supporters but can also be found most prevelant in the various intelligence agencies that overflow Washington and its environs.

Most, if not all,of them are under the impression that their various allegedly secret communications, and projects, are safe from the eyes of those who might find them objectionable.

Though the Russians are now accused, without any evidence whatsoever,  of anything annoying, such as malfunctioning car batteries and wild bear attacks in federal forests, they are not guilty of nerve gas attacks, various earthquakes and tidal waves, fallen arches in America’s virgins or prolapsed rectums in her law givers.

On the other hand, rather than threaten to attack the United States with atomic weapons, as the lunatic John Bolton proclaims, they have developed considerable skill in penetrating her purportedly secure communication systems.

Since Trump expresses his manic and illiterate rantings on Twitter for all to see, the Russians do not bother with him but other agencies are more cogent. One of our long-time communicants who was physically involved with a senior CIA official has been entertaining us, and others, with the results of his taped pillow talk which, if true, sound even more manic than the Trump rantings.

One of the subjects heard about are several plots against the food products of nations that are not obedient to American imperial demands.

Specific comments on this can be found in the body of this article but it ought to be pointed out that food diseases are not stopped at national borders by customs agents and can, and will, boomerang against the perpetrators.”


The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 41
  • One Click Closer to Annihilation
  • Could Trump Take Down the American Empire?
  • Student loan crisis threatens a generation’s American dream
  • ‘New reality’? Israel may increasingly use F-35s in Syria raids after Russia’s S-300 delivery
  • Syria to get Russia’s S-300: Here’s what you need to know about the missile system
  • US plan to genetically alter crops via insects feared to be biological war plan
  • Questions Raised About DARPA-Funded Crop Program
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations

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TBR News October 4, 2018

Oct 04 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 4, 2018: “It is amazing how one can make serious errors of judgement.

From a reading of the daily news one gains the distinct impression that Donald Trump is entering into a state of advanced senility, is amoral to a degree, a pathological liar and self-deluded to an even more remarkable degree.

Now one’s such negative views are corrected by a wonderful new movie,’ The Trump Prophecy’ that lets the entire doubting world know that God Himself has blessed our President with His Grace and protects him from wicked Satanists of the Left and Center who seek to destroy him!

Next, I have no doubt, it will be revealed to all and sundry that Jesus Himself was seen by Secret Service agents leaving Trump’s White House bedroom on three separate occasions!

And previous wicked stories that Trump is vulgar with women and gleefully gropes them are terrible lies designed to prevent the American people from discovering that Trump is actually Blessed by God and the Savior of America.

But only part of America to be sure.

Blacks, women, gays, Mexicans and Muslims are not included in the ranks of the Fortunate Ones.

Just pure white males, and only those from the political, and religious, right, are acceptable in God’s eyes. And any of these with an IQ exceeding their hat size are to be elevated to sainthood at the earliest possible moment.”


The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 40
  • Key senators criticize Trump for mocking Kavanaugh accuser
  • Opposition to Kavanaugh grows after Senate hearing: Reuters/Ipsos poll
  • Tired of the political divide in America? Don’t worry, it’s going to get much worse

Blessed Prozac Moments!      

  • The chosen one? The new film that claims Trump’s election was an act of God
  • New York tax authorities investigating Trump fraud allegations
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations

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TBR News October 3, 2018

Oct 02 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 3, 2018: There are questions and there are answers. When men came down out of their caves and stood on their hind legs, questions

began to form in their small minds.

Would they live forever?

Where would they go when they stopped breathing and began to smell bad?

And other men, more clever, told them what they wanted to hear so desperately.

Yes, they would live forever and in a wonderful place.

Yes, they would see their dead family again who would be waiting for them, smiling.

Of course in order to get to this wonderful place and see smiling dead family members they would have to become a paying member of a certain religious group.

They would have to believe just what the leaders of this religious group told them to believe or they would go to some cold, wet and nasty place when they died and have to sleep with dead rats.

And because they wanted to believe these entertaining and entirely invented stories, they did.

Those who promised paradise got rich and those who believed were content. But when they died, they slept with the worms.

Of course they weren’t aware of anything at that point.”


The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 39
  • Trump helped parents shield millions from taxes: New York Times
  • Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father
  • Beto O’Rourke: Democrats dazzled by rising star in Texas
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations

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TBR News October 2, 2018

Oct 02 2018 Published by under Uncategorized

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Isaiah 40:3-8 

Washington, D.C. October 2, 2018: “There is no effective defense against a global smallpox epidemic other than immediate vaccination.

Vaccination is about 97% effective against the contraction of this disease.

Unfortunately, much vaccine and the capacity to manufacture it, has greatly diminished and to restart a vaccine program would take so long that the disease would have a catastrophic global effect.

It would be very easy for a hostile element to infect a single person without their knowledge and send them into the United States on legitimate business.

From this single, unknowing carrier the disease would spread geometrically, not only throughout the United States, where the projected death rate is over 77,000,000 people, but also throughout the world.

There have been no realistic estimates of deaths in such crowded locations as Japan, China, India, and Egypt.

The projected use of US military units to immediately execute  a national quarantine program would prove ineffectual because of the widespread travel habits of American citizens and the probability that many troops once considered as possessing immunity through vaccination do not possess this immunity due to the deterioration  of stocks of old vaccine.

When the public discovers that there is no immunity, no effective treatment and no visible support program, there will very likely be a catastrophic breakdown in domestic confidence followed by the onset of panic and descent into anarchy.

The only coherent solution, and this is by no means guaranteed, is to implement an immediate and urgently accelerated vaccine program and to only hope that it will be in place when, and not if, this disease erupts anywhere in the world.”


The Table of Contents

  • Donald Trump has said 2291 false things as U.S. president: No. 38
  • The CIA Confessions: The Crowley Conversations
  • Washington Times retracts false article on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich
  • Supreme Court rejects California billionaire’s ‘private beach’ case
  • Sunni Islamic Terrorism and the United States

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